1.0.2: Added a secret... ⏻26⏩︎

The scriptness now has a new panel with 5 new symbols! However, the feature is hidden... Can you find it?

Hint 0: The title to the devlog is relevant.
Rot13 for the next hints:
Hint 1: Gurer ner guerr fgrcf gb npprffvat gur frperg
Hint 2: rnpu flzoby ercerfragf n fgrc
Clarification in case you don't see the symbols: gur svefg flzoby vf n cbjre ohggba, naq gur ynfg flzoby vf n snfg sbejneq ohggba
Hint 3: Gur svefg naq ynfg flzobyf vaqvpngr fbzrguvat lbh nyjnlf fnj
Hint 4:  N rdhnyf bar, o rdhnyf gjb...
Hint 5: Jung shapgvba qbrf cerffvat M qb?

Step 1:  Rkvg n cnary jvgu gur cbjre ohggba
Step 2: Haqb gung npgvba ol cerffvat M naq erghea gb gur cnary
Step 3: Cerff gur snfg sbejneq ohggba jura gur cnary vf fbyirq

I also added some minor QOL stuff and fixed some minor issues.

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